Step 22
Step 22 High Quality Overland Gear
Step 22 makes some great products that'll help you stay organized while you travel or camp. Their high-quality camping gear is functional and built to last. Take Step 22's Pangolin Tool Roll. Made with their multi-level TreadWeave, this tool roll will hold all the essential tools you need when camping. Step 22's Stingray Flat Box will hold clothes, camping utensils, phones you name it. Staying organized is one of the keys to having a great camping trip. With Step 22's Hedgehog roll you can neatly store all your toiletry items in one place. And with multiple attachment point it's easy to hang it up for convenient access to all your products and tools. So, if you're looking for the best gear for camping and traveling, check out Step 22's high-quality overland gear here.
Need some help?
Whatever you need for your outdoor living experience, you'll find it here at GTFOverland. For local pickups in the southern California area, stop by our shop in Long Beach and we'll hook you up with the perfect Step 22 products for your adventure. Got a question about Step 22's travel and camping gear? Don't be afraid to email us, we're always happy to help out a fellow outdoor enthusiast.